2018 Crown Managers Partnership Forum
Action on Recovery: Native Salmonid Recovery in the Crown
March 20-22, 2018
The 2018 CMP Forum was a great success!! It was held in Lethbridge and brought together many fish biologists, resource managers, Tribes and First Nations and students to talk about native salmonids in the Crown.
The objectives of the workshop were to:
Review decision support tools and applications for Westslope and Bull Trout in the Crown and validate the outputs of the tools (Crown Vulnerability Assessment and the Web Interface tool)
Agencies and Organizations provide updates on actions towards Native Salmonid Recovery in the Crown.
Assess and prioritize watersheds at a HUC 8 level within the Crown and identify key actions specific to those watersheds for recovery of Native Salmonids.
Discuss challenges and opportunities for implementing actions across the Crown.
Discuss and brainstorm evaluation and reporting currently under way and ways to align into a consistent approach for the Crown.
2018 CMP Forum Summary - Click here
Conservation Playbook 1.0 - Click here
CMP Agency Meeting Agenda- Click here
2018 CMP Forum Agenda: Click here
March 20, 2018
Review of Native Salmonids Workshops in 2014 - Anne Carlson
Updates from Organizations doing Native Salmonid Recovery
Keynote Presentation - Poking a Dead Fish, Lorne Fitch
March 21, 2018