The 2023 Forum theme was “Indigenous Leadership in Honoring & Caring for the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem”, and was held in-person over four days from March 14-17, 2023. The Forum was hosted by the Blackfeet (Aamskappi Piikunni) Nation and held at the Stick Game Arbor in Browning, Montana. Over 170 registrants, including 50 students, from various government, non-government organizations and the local Blackfeet community attended a variety of presentations, panel discussions, and field trips.
The 2023 Forum was the best attended, with the most diverse presentations and panels by Indigenous elders, youth, researchers, managers and technicians, since the inception of the annual CMP Forum in 2001. Attendees travelled from across the geographic extent of the Crown and beyond.
Thank you to the fantastic planning team, speakers, moderators, caterers, and attendees - this forum was made successful and meaningful by each and every one of you!
Read the Summary
Check out the major takeaways from the forum and possible next steps!
March 14th: Biocultural
Siksikaitsitapi (Blackfoot Confederacy)
Niitsitapi-led Network for Blackfoot Guardianship of Rocky-Mountain East Slopes, Kimmy Houle - Blackfoot Confederacy Tribal Council, Paulette Fox – Harmony Walkers Inc.
Crown of the Continent: A Self Reflection 2023, Dr. Leroy Little Bear
March 15th: Aquatic
Restoring Northern Leopard Frogs to the Flathead Reservation, Art Soukka, CSKT
Lower Kootenai Ecosystem Restoration & Contaminants Monitoring Status and Updates, Shawn Young, Kootenai Tribe of Idaho
2020-23 Blackfoot Confederacy-aboriginal Fund For Species At Risk Native Trout Recovery Project, Elliot Fox
Blackfeet Nation Fisheries Program, Jeremiah North Piegan - Blackfeet Fish and Wildlife Department
Soil Carbon in Natural vs Constructed Wetlands on the Flathead Reservation in Montana, Mariah Durglo, Salish Kootenai College
Working Together to Restore Matsiyíkkapisaa/Northern Leopard Frog at Paahtómahksikimi, Alvin First Rider, Blood Tribe Land Management & Kimberly Pearson, Waterton Lakes National Park
Large-scale mining impacts in the Kootenai(y) watershed, Erin Sexton, University of Montana
March 16th: Terrestrial
The Restoration of the Bison Range to the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes, Stephanie Gillin & Whisper Camel-Means, CSKT Natural Resources Department
Nature Undivided, Katie Deuel, Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Naapi’s Garden & Katoyiss Seed Bank, William Singer III, Kainai Nation
Sowing History, Growing Culture, Planting Language: CSKT’s Whitebark Bio Cultural Restoration, ShiNaasha Pete, CSKT
March 17th: Taking Care of the Land and People Together
CSKT Climate Change Strategic Planning, Mike Durglo, CSKT
Planning Leads
Christen Falcon, Independent Consultant
Elliot Fox, Independent consultant
Planning team
Kim Pearson, Parks Canada
Natalie Poremba, Crown Managers Partnership
Cassie Powell, US Fish & Wildlife Service Native American Liaison
Ryan Powell, US Forest Service Heritage Program Manager
Erin Sexton, Flathead Lake Biological Station
Connie Simmons, Yellowstone to Yukon Initiative
Jessy Stevenson, The Wilderness Society
Chad Willms, Government of Alberta
Anne Carlson, The Wilderness Society
Amy Coffman, USFWS Native American Liaison
Katie Deuel, Center For Large Landscape Conservation
Aaron Domes, Government of Alberta
Mike Durglo, Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes
Termaine Edmo, Blackfeet Nation Climate Change Coordinator
Tyrel Fenner, Blackfeet Nation Hydrologist
Carleigh Grier-Stewart, Parks Canada - Knowledge Weaver
Linh Hoang, US Forest Service