Barbara A Garcia, Deputy Director Renewable Resources, USFS Northern Region

Barbara earned her B.S. from the University of New Mexico and her M.S. from the University of Idaho. Her M.S. Thesis was a distribution mapping and habitat predictability model for three amphibian species in the Big Hole Valley of SW MT using physical, chemical, & biological parameters collected over two seasons on six-day hitches in four mountain ranges. Barbara has been a Forest Service employee for 26 years. She has worked in five regions. Most of this time was on a district or forest but she has spent time in two regional offices and has detailed in the National Office. She has been a resource specialist and a ranger. Barbara is New Mexican. Her maternal heritage is Genizaro and her paternal, Apache and Hispano. Her husband also works for the FS. Together they parent a 14-year-old Goldendoodle.


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