Tami M Parkinson, Lead Fire Management Specialist , WFM RD&A, WO FAM/RMRS tami.parkinson@usda.gov
Tami’s entire work history has been in wildland fire management. She began working seasonally with the Forest Service in Idaho where she developed a district fuels program and worked as a Fuels Specialist for the Boise BLM followed by an assignment as the Forest AFMO for the Boise National Forest. Since 2010, Tami has worked in the Wildland Fire Management Research, Development, and Application Program of the Forest Service. She has a BS in Resource Management and an MS in Forest Resources from the University of Idaho. She assists with regional and national training courses, serves as co-chair of the NWCG Fire Behavior Subcommittee, and is a member of NWCG’s Fire Environment Committee. Tami is also actively engaged in the National Wildland Fire Cohesive Strategy group and is the research liaison to the FS National Line Officer Team. She provides incident support as an LTAN/FBAN, and SOPL.
Program and Tools for Integrating local objectives with incident management
There are many tools and applications fire managers and Agency Administrators /Line Officers can use to help inform decisions around fire management which includes fire planning, fuels treatments, incident management, and post fire rehabilitation and recovery. Implementation of science, technologies and other strategies provides additional resources and tools for practitioners to coordinate and collaborate with interested stakeholders, evaluate treatment alternatives, assess potential risks, identify values at risk and work towards the successful wildland fire management across landscapes.